What is the bounce rate? - Top 10 Ways to Reduce Bounce Rate

What is Bounce Rate? Top 10 Ways to Reduce Bounce Rate

How hard every web master works to promote his own website. A webmaster has to do a variety of other tasks including content writing, SEO and backlinking. However, it can be seen that the desired target of many people is not being met. A big cause for this is “Bounce Rate”. Today's discussion is about bounce rate.

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Bounce rate of website is very important in SEO or search engine ranking. Getting a regular audience on your blog or website does not mean that your website is doing well. Maybe you are getting good visitors on your website regularly.

But a website is not performing well based on visitors alone and search engines don't rank websites based on visitors alone.

There are several SEO terms or ranking factors to follow to get the website ranking. Meanwhile, Bounce Rate is one of the ranking factors.

Bounce Rate - What is the bounce rate?

Bounce Rate is a metric of Google Analytics. Before understanding bounce rate, you must understand about bounce.

Bounce is a matter, after entering a page of your website, how engaged a visitor was during the time he was on that page, that is, whether a visitor went from one page of your site to another page, clicked on a link on the page, clicked on the menu of the website, etc. Based on this, Google Analytics determines the bounce rate.

It can be assumed that the lower the bounce rate of the website, the better the website is performing. Because, having a low bounce rate is very important for SEO or Google ranking.

You can use Google Analytics Tool to see the bounce rate of any website. You can see the bounce rate information of any page of your website from Google Analytics tools.

What is the standard bounce rate of the website?

Bounce rate is determined in different ways depending on the topic and section of the website. It is captured through a simple infographic:

I personally think 30% – 40% bounce rate is tolerable for any category of website. 40% – 50% bounce rate is not too bad either.

But if the bounce rate of a website goes above 50%, it is necessary to take proper measures to reduce it and also to work well on the website.

Our website bounce rate is always below 6%! It may seem unbelievable to many. But this is the truth. We have been able to control it by applying our best efforts.

How does bounce rate work?

Google or any search engine always displays the most relevant results to their search queries. Search engines, however, are run by bots.

However, they can easily determine the relevant pages of any website based on the engagement of their users. Meanwhile, bounce rate is considered very important.

Suppose a page on your website has a bounce rate of over 90%. Now Google can easily understand that the visitor is not benefiting from your page. Or the visitor is not able to achieve his desired objective.

So most of the visitors coming to the webpage are leaving the page without giving time. When Google realizes this, it will drop your page from the search results. This will cause you to fall behind in the rankings.

Similarly, if the bounce rate of your webpage is less than 30%, then Google understands that the visitor is definitely benefiting from your webpage, so the page is read with time.

When Google realizes this, it brings this page up in the search results. This is how a website ranks up.

Although there are more than 200 ranking factors in the Google algorithm. But one ranking factor between 1-10 is bounce rate. So you have to try to reduce the bounce rate of the web site.

Bounce Rate- What is bounce rate?

What is bounce rate and how to reduce it?

Some rules to keep bounce rate low 

1. Improve content quality 
2. Improve website loading speed 
3. Clean and simple blog design 
4. Use of related posts / articles 
5. Use internal linking 
6. Don't use too many ads 
7. Use images in articles 
8. Use short paragraph in article 
9. Use videos in articles 
10. Use the table of contents 
11. Use a lot of words in the article

Top 10 Ways to Reduce Website Bounce Rate :-

01. page loading time

There is no alternative to using good hosting to reduce the loading time of web pages. If the loading time of your web page is less than 3 seconds, the engagement of visitors on your website will be very good.

It also has a chance to get more visitors to the website. We all want to achieve more in less time. So there is no option to keep the bounce rate low to retain the visitors on the website.

If your web page loading time is 20-30 seconds then 99% of visitors will not want to enter your page. They click on the link and get frustrated with the loading time. This way the bounce rate of the website increases a lot.

So definitely try to use good hosting on the website. Apart from using good hosting, all the content of every page of the website needs to be well optimized.

02. Internal linking

If someone asks us how to reduce the bounce rate of the website? But I would definitely say do internal linking for every page of the website.

Internal linking is very important to reduce the bounce rate of the website.

Internal linking plays a very important role in SEO in addition to reducing bounce rate. Moreover, the value of the webpage increases by doing internal linking.

A visitor enters from one page to another through internal linking. As a result, the engagement and average time of the web page increases and the bounce rate decreases to a large extent.

03. Additional and random ad usage

No visitor enters the website to view the ad. They mainly visit the website to read or know their desired content.

If a page has too many ads, the visitor gets bored. Especially random ads should be stopped.

Bunch of ads is not much of a problem. If a website has a high bounce rate, it is better to avoid pop up ads completely.

04. User Experience

If your site design isn't beautiful, visitors won't spend much time on the website.

So it is necessary to make the webpage visually appealing to the users.

If the page layout of the website is tidy, the visitors will feel a new sense of calmness after entering your website. It will also give more time on the web page.

05. Warning about content writing

Write content in simple and clear language. Make your content visitors understand. Also try to write content according to your website's niche.

I think your site is on the technology niche. Now if you think that health niche content is getting more income. So, leaving your primary niche technology, you are writing about health again, but in this case, the bounce rate of the website is likely to increase.

But yes, different types of content can be published on a website. No problem with that. However, the primary niche of the website must be prioritized and more content published on the primary niche.

06. Arrangements for visitors to participate

Any website that has a visitor participation system reduces the bounce rate of that website.

So make the comment box on every page of your website open to the readers. So that your site's audience can mention their experiences in the comments.

07. unwanted page title

No unwanted keywords can be used in the title of the web page. There are many who use keywords only for the purpose of getting visitors which do not really benefit the visitors.

So avoid using such unnecessary keywords in the title of the page. That is, the title should not contain text that does not correspond to the main content of your page.

Although this type of title brings a little more visitors to the website, it actually causes a huge loss to the website. Try keyword research to create content. This will increase the website visitors and your content will actually be useful to the visitors.

08. Cautions on Using Featured Images

Care should be taken to use featured images, as do unnecessary and unpopular keywords. Use images that are relevant to the content of your page. So that visitors can get real content.

If the content of the page is one of a kind and the featured image is opposite then the visitors feel very annoyed and leave without reading the content of the page. In this way, the bounce rate of the webpage increases a lot.

09. Responsive or mobile friendly design

Responsiveness of every webpage means enhancing the user experience of the visitors. Web page design should be 100% responsive from every device. In other words, it is important to have a mobile friendly design along with the computer.

Nowadays most people visit webpages using mobiles. So mobile friendly design will improve the user experience and reduce the bounce rate of the webpage.

10. Fonts used on the website

Web pages should use nice and legible fonts. Besides, the font size should be kept in such a way that the visitors do not find it difficult to read. Font size should not be too small and should not be kept too large. Always use medium font.

Many visitors leave the website without reading the content due to the complexity of the font. So font size needs to be determined properly. Correct font size encourages visitors to read the article. So use proper font size on website.

Some important things:

As Google is the biggest search engine, we all target Google. And the position of Bounce Rate is very important in Google algorithm. That's why everyone should think about bounce.

Bounce rate is something that is based on the overall quality of your site. So avoiding it would not be right at all.

Efforts should always be made to improve the content quality of the web site. The more quality you can give to the content of the web page, the easier it will come to the ranking.

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