How to write a Blog post in Blogger ?

How to write a blog post ?

Those who are in the blogging profession should know how important a blog post and content is to a website. It is said that content is the king of a website, so understand that if you want to blog, your posts must be of quality. You will get better results if you publish 5-10 quality posts than if you publish thousands of blog posts randomly. So today I am discussing with you how to write a good quality blog post, important points or important clauses or blog content/article writing rules are discussed here in detail today. So let's begin.

Choosing a blog topic:1

To write an interesting blog post, you need to choose a topic to write about. When you choose a topic to blog about, write about that topic that you know very well, understand well and like to think well, like to research. Then surely your writing will be considered as good quality writing. And don't pick a subject you know nothing about. If you're going to write a blog post on a topic you don't know about, you'll spend time researching the topic, but you won't be able to publish that article well. It may not attract visitors either.

So while blogging, keep thinking about what you understand best, write articles and try to reach your audience. Remember that good quality writing can be successful no matter the topic.

Things to keep in mind to write good quality articles

Keyword Research:2

You must research the topic what you are writing about. Information should be collected through multiple or research from Google, YouTube or other places. And then you present it in your own language in a beautiful and accessible language.

Usage of Title:3

Titles are very important for blog writing. At the beginning of the writing, the title of the writing should be fixed very carefully. Because of eighty percent of readers/ persons who see a headline decide to read an article. If your title is not liked by a visitor, they will not read your article. That is why it is very important to write the title very well. The better the title of an article, the more likely visitors are to read the article. No visitor will want to read your article no matter how good your article is if your title is not good. Because a text is judged by its title. Depending on the length of your text, you should use different H2 headings.

Genuine, Search Engine Friendly Title Features:
1. The title is written in 5 to 9 words.
2. Use any power words (for example, best, mightiest, main, challenge, perfect).
3. Use any number
4. Using any bucket (optional)


The introduction should be well structured so that a visitor can understand the entire article after reading the first paragraph.

Grammar and correct spelling:5

Grammar and correct spelling are very important in blog article writing in any kind of website. Bad grammar and spelling will destroy your reader's confidence. And when your writing has bad grammar and spelling, viewers will turn away from your writing. Therefore, a post or article must be reviewed before publishing. Emphasis should on correct spelling and grammar for your audience.

Attract visitors:6

You need to start your article in a way that will attract the audience right from the start. Because the audience always like to read about their interest. As long as your writing is interesting, your audience will spend more time reading your writing. Include something interesting in your article and introduce some unknown topic that the visitor has never read before. And when a visitor meets and learns something new, they will fall in love with your writing. And you will be satisfied only when you are loved. If you don't have an audience or readers to read your writing, it won't have any value. Before writing one you should have a good idea about this article and write the article to attract visitors.

Use of images and videos:7

When writing your blog post, you should use beautiful images in line with the theme of your blog. So that visitors can understand the content of this article by looking at the images in your article. Use infographics if you can. So that viewers can also gather information from the image. You can even feature a video related to your writing. There are many users who do not like to read text for a long time and try to know that information through video, in that case video is very necessary.

Inspirational ending:8

A persuasive conclusion should be placed at the end of your essay. A persuasive conclusion should summarize the points made throughout the essay. It is a user very liked by a reader.

Using thumbnail images:9

To make your blog post interesting, you should use a thumbnail image. The thumbnail image is the image that appears with each post after entering a website or blog. The more attractive an image is, the higher the click-through rate on that article. So when you publish a blog post, create an optimized and beautiful thumbnail image A thumbnail image is very important for a clickable blog post. It has been found that depending on the image of a blog post or YouTube video, about 25% of visitors want to read/watch that content.

Use of labels:10

Multiple tags can be used in your article. Using tags in a blog post can be as simple as they are important to a search engine When a user reads your blog post, they will see the tags Using tags in a blog post is very important to have a clear idea about your post.

Define category:11

After writing a blog post/article, you must select a category before publishing it. So a visitor can easily find a category post by clicking on that category. Therefore, before publishing the article, a category must be defined, which category or topic the article corresponds to. Choosing the right category depends on how your article reaches the audience.

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