How to create a youtube channel and make money 2023 ?

How to create a youtube channel and make money ?

Rules for create a youtube channel: Are you thinking of developing your career through YouTube? Do you want to know the rules to open a YouTube channel?

A great change has occurred in workplaces with the passage of time. Previously, everyone had the mentality of having a job, having a family. But nowadays people prefer their own preferences, likes and dislikes in terms of jobs. Earlier, people dreamed of doing their own work at home, but now people prefer to work in their own time and earn money at home. The Internet has put the wind in the sails of people's thinking. Similarly, people are moving towards technology in the workplace. through create a youtube channel revenue has since started.

One of the most popular social networks today is YouTube. Due to the versatile use of YouTube, the number of users is doubling day by day. Along with audio, YouTube is equally popular for watching videos. YouTube is at the peak of popularity for all age groups.

How to create a YouTube channel and earn money 2023?

Due to the huge popularity of YouTube, the number of subscribers on YouTube is doubling day by day. But you know what? YouTube is now used not as a source of entertainment but as a source of income. A person can earn money by doing simple work. You can make much more money from YouTube than from this. Let's come how to create a YouTube channel.

How to create YouTube channel?

If you want to develop your career in YouTube, then at first you need to know how you can earn from a YouTube channel. To earn money from YouTube channel, at first you must open a channel on YouTube. You can create a YouTube channel in two ways.

1. mobile medium.
2. through the computer.

Let's find out the rules for opening a YouTube channel on mobile devices:
✅ Rules for creating a YouTube channel on mobile

Today, everyone, big or small, has a personal Android mobile phone in their collection. If you want to establish yourself as a reputable YouTuber, you can open a YouTube account from the comfort of your home using your phone. How is that? Let's find out the rules for opening a YouTube channel on mobile devices:
1. To open a channel on YouTube via mobile, you must download the YouTube application on your mobile:
2. Once the application is downloaded, you open the application. Open and add a Gmail ID to the account in the right corner. Opening a Gmail ID is very necessary to open an account on any YouTube.
3. After adding Gmail ID, you need to sign in to open YouTube account. In the sign in option you have to fill in the necessary information including name, date of birth, gender, mobile number.
4. After filling the information you will see there is an option called Channel on YouTube. Please note that the name you used in the email is the name your YouTube channel has been opened.

You can go to that option and set your desired name for the YouTube channel. To open a channel on YouTube, you need to select the type of video you will upload next. Also, you can open an account on YouTube by filling the required information along with your location.

✅ Rules to open YouTube channel with computer

If you want you can open YouTube channel using your computer. Below are the rules on how to open YouTube via computer:
1. First you need to go to YouTube browser and create a YouTube account with your Gmail ID.
2. Once the YouTube account is opened, you can open the YouTube channel as per the name provided by Gmail. If you want you can customize and open a channel named below.
3. Once the YouTube channel is open, you require to add your profile picture.
4. First select your channel type by zooming in on the image. Also provide links to all your social networking sites.
In this way, you can open YouTube channel very easily.

Ways to earn with YouTube channel

You can earn thousands of rupees from YouTube. To many, it is outrageous, but to many, it is very common. So you might be wondering how to make money from YouTube.
✅ Let's know how to earn from YouTube channel:

Video upload mode:

Basically, you can create videos on your YouTube channel about anything you like. Video uploading is one of the main sources of income on YouTube these days. You can earn millions by uploading videos from here.

Nowadays people spend their precious time on YouTube. So, to make customers interested in watching your videos, your channel needs to upload videos that are always on top of customer demand.

If you are a new YouTuber and don't know what kind of videos you can upload, then you can know what kind of videos you can upload by following the points mentioned below.

Voice Technology:
If you want to open a YouTube channel and don't know what kind of videos to upload, you can upload technology-related video channels. The field of technology is elaborating day by day. Every day new technologies are presented to us. If you upload tech-oriented videos, you can attract more techies.

Tutorial view:
We know that education is the backbone of a nation. So e-learning has taken hold these days. You can easily engage students if you upload different types of educational videos.

Educational VOC:
People always want to learn something new. So if you want to learn something new from YouTube channel, you should upload educational videos.

food blogging;
Food blogs have become quite popular over time. People want to know about new foods, they want to know about new restaurants. So you can earn a lot of money by starting a food blogging channel.

Earn through Google Adsense:
One of the most popular YouTube earners these days is Google Adsense. You can apply from google adsense depending on your channel subscribers and channel views.

Google will verify it at your request. And once you're eligible for the Google Adsense app, there's no looking back.
Basically, Google will show your ads between videos uploaded from your channel. In light of the announcement, Google will keep its share and the remaining amount will be paid to you. So Google Adsense has become one of the sources of income for YouTube.
Earn money through sponsorship
Once upon a time companies had to go door to door to promote their products. But times have changed. People are now promoting their own ads on social media within videos or collaborating with YouTubers on their channels.

Collaboration with great YouTubers will benefit both the company and you.

Youtube Channel Name:

Nowadays, YouTube is the main focus of attention of everyone from young to old. Most of the people now prefer YouTube as a source of income. So if you want to express yourself as a YouTuber, it won't be bad.

Choosing a unique name for your channel is very important to distinguish a YouTube channel If you open your YouTube channel with a common name or follow another channel name for your channel, you will not gain popularity in front of everyone. So it is better to choose the channel name knowingly.

Today I came up with a few different names for YouTube channels. Hope you liked it.
If you select Technology Channel, you can name the channel like Tech Giant, Tech Buddha, Tech Mania, Tech Expresser etc.

If your channel is tutorial based then you can name it A-Z Learning, Chale Sikhi Pathshala, Chalo Sikhi etc.
If your channel is educational, you can name the channel Learn for Today, Apply for Tomorrow, Be a Hero etc.

YouTube Channel Monetization:

To earn on YouTube you must monetize your channel. Monetization depends on your YouTube channel. Now you might be wondering what is monetization?
Basically, the work that needs to be done to establish a complete channel by following various rules and regulations on YouTube channel is called channel monetization.
Channel monetization is very important for a YouTube channel to be popular. So far you know what monetization is? Now you don't know what to follow for channel monetization:
YouTube channel monetization 1. Your channel must have at least 1000 subscribers. More is better.
2. Any type of copyrighted videos will not be accepted.
3. All YouTube rules must be followed.
4. Your channel must be approximately 1 year old.
5. The viewing time of the channel must be covered by the Air.
6. If you want to get monetization in your channel, you need to follow some steps below.

For channel monetization, go to YouTube Studio from the YouTube app and apply along with $ monetization. You must apply if your channel has enough subscribers and a certain number of watch hours in the last year. Then click Apply Now to complete the monetization request process on your channel. Your application will be reviewed and the results will be communicated to you via the email you provided.

Conclusion: YouTube has reached the peak of popularity over time. New areas will emerge in the near future. YouTube can change your fortune in terms of income. So Wikipedia Bangla has shown you the rules of opening a YouTube channel.

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